Dakar Science Po is an outstanding institution that trains young students for management positions in the public and private sectors. Against the backdrop of the globalization of educational methods and the convergence of knowledge, Dakar Science Po is a school that offers young students the opportunity to pursue a qualitative curriculum in various fields: political studies, international relations, diplomacy, security defence, political communication, political sociology, geopolitics, etc.
Dakar Sciences Po is an institution resulting from a partnership between the Institute of Political Studies of the University of Social Sciences of Dakar, the Higher Institute of Law of Dakar, the African Institute of Geopolitics (IAGeo), the Pan-African School of Economic Intelligence and Strategy (EPIES) and the Observatory of Terrorist Threats, Radicalisms and Criminal and Cyndine Risks (OM2R). A partnership that was created under the impetus of the Centre for Diplomatic and Strategic Studies (CEDS), an organization with consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council.
DAKAR SCIENCES PO is the melting pot of excellence that benefits from the expertise and experience of the best universities in the field of High International Studies, for the preparation of students in the fields of political governance through the mastery of major geopolitical, strategic and geostrategic issues.
The creation of Dakar Science Po stems from the urgent need to respond to the growing demand of African states for the training of young people, in the field of international relations, political, diplomatic, geopolitical and strategic studies.
1. Public deciders (President of the republic, prime minister, minister etc.)
2. Political adviser in embassy, ministry…
3. Parliamentary, parliamentary attaché
4. Expert / consultant in geopolitics, defense and security
5. Expert in international negotiation
6. Consultant in local and territorial governance
7. Teacher researcher in political science / politologist / politics
8. Sociologist / director of survey research institute
9. Think Tank Researcher