Dakar Science Po
Set up your personalized pedagogical space
To obtain your Master 2 in Political Science
Dakar Science Po puts at your disposal its distance learning in
Political Science. It is a flexible training that adapts harmoniously to the demands
to the demands of your personal and professional agenda. Thanks to Dakar
Science Po, you now have the gift of ubiquity and the ability to control
your training by individualizing it and personalizing it in the time and
the educational space you choose.
Dakar Science Po shapes your Personalized Pedagogical Space (PPE), an inexhaustible source of
source of inspiration for your Political Science education, where you will find all the resources
where you will find all the resources that will connect you permanently with the
with courses, course materials and exercises, absolutely essential for an e-learning
e-learning that meets your expectations.
Your distance learning will be sanctioned by the Master 2 diploma in
Science which will be given to you as proof that you have validated all the required
that you have validated all the required skills and expertise in the fields of
in the fields of Political Science.
You will also benefit from a personalized and planned post-training follow-up.
planned follow-up.
To be admitted, you must return the application after having
downloaded and filled out from our website
Link to online application form: https://www.dakarsciencepo.com/demo/inscription
Dakar Science Po, the Pan-African School of Political Science
Dakar Science Po : Lot No. 02 Liberté VI VDN, BP : 45929 Dakar,
Fixe : +221 33 827 07 40 ; Cell : +221 77 145 02 02
Email : info@dakarsciencepo.com Site Web : www.dakarsciencepo.com